Julio Moreira
About me

CREATIVE Photographer – Action – wildlife - & FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER BASED IN pretoria, julio WAS BORN ON september 18, 1966.
holds a nhd in architecture, shooting for over 39years - professionally since 1987
Currently consulting for Nikon Sa as educator to nikon school
IN 2010, HE joined nikon group, south africa, as head facilitator and photographer until 2016, as Nps – nikon professional service manager: Technical & educator.
IN 2007, HE again relocated TO johannesburg, south africa, IN ORDER TO run and facilitate 11x universal photography stores, as photographer - educator and technical instructor.
IN 2002, HE relocated TO knysna, south africa, IN ORDER TO design and establish the largest and state of the art fuji laboratory AS ARchitect and photographer.
IN 1997 HE BEGAN hIS CAREER AS PROFESSIONAL FASHION AND international scout for newface under training of gianfranco iobbi – (charlize theron – int. winner)
He is presently active today for newmodeltoday in south africa and namibia.
HE IS currently DEVELOPING HIS CAREER AS CREATIVE photographer and educator in various fields of photography – action sport and wildlife.